
On昂跑 x INTERSPORT 夏日云端接力赛将于7月18日在上海市奉贤区随塘河路1677号2号门口梅园地区集结开跑,比赛为25公里接力赛,每组4位选手(至少一位女性),共计25组100人参与。



Summer is HOT and running a full race might not sound as fun as it usually does during the other seasons of the year. So why not run just part of a race?! This summer On and INTERSPORT are joining forces to present the FIRST ANNUAL PARK RELAY!


主办单位 Organizers

支持单位 Support


Haiwan National Forest Park


竞赛日期 Race Date

2021年7月18号 9:00-13:00

July 18th, 2021 9:00-13:00


比赛地点 Location

海湾森林公园 Haiwan National Forest Park


Gate 2 of the Plum Garden, 1677 Suitanghe Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai.

竞赛人数 Number of People

100人 (25组)

100 People (25 Teams)


竞赛分组 Competition Description

全程25公里组 (4人混合接力赛)

The full course is 25km (4-person relay)


比赛路线 Race Route


Each loop is 2.5k, 10 loops, in total 25k


Enter the park through Gate 2)

报名办法及竞赛规则 Registration & Race Rules

1,On昂跑 x INTERSPORT接力赛限25组,共计100人,满额即止。

1. The On x INTERSPORT Relay is limited to 25 groups, 100 people.


2. Each team registered is limited to 4 people. Each team must have at least 1 woman participant.


3. Every participant must wear On shoes during the race. The organizers provide a free rental service for On shoes. Sizes are limited so please place orders early. You can reserve your pair of shoes when registering for the race. If a participant runs in a brand of shoes different from On, the team of the offending player will have three minutes added to their final time for each incident.


4. Registration Time: June 11th to July 12th (or until full)


5. The registration fee is 500RMB/team (4 people). The fee includes: 4 bibs, 4 park entrance tickets, 4 finisher gifts, insurance, roundtrip shuttle bus transportation, snacks and water.


班车 Shuttle Bus

1,上午6:15在INTERSPORT x RunnersHub集合,巴士上午6:30发车。

1. Meet at INTERSPORT x RunnersHub at 6:15am, bus leaves at 6:30am.


2. Each team has 4 seats for free. Additional seats can be purchased for 88RMB each on the registration platform. Children and dogs who can sit on laps are free.


比赛办法 Competition Rules


1. Each athlete’s competition number is distributed by the organizing committee and each team is given a baton with a timing chip. Runners on each team must pass the ground timing belt at the starting and ending points. In order to prevent cheating and/or fraud, each part of the course will be monitored.


2. Athletes must queue up before they start running in the order according to their team numbers.


3. The competition starts with a gunshot next to the “racing bear” at 9:00am.


成绩计时规程 Scoring Guidelines


1. Each team must check in at least 30 minutes before the race.


2. Every athlete on each team must complete at least one lap for laps to be counted in the team’s final score. Contestants are expected to run continuously. During the relay, each player on the team does not need to run the same number of laps as long as all 10 laps are completed by the end of the race.


3. Every participant must wear On shoes during the race. Sizes are limited so please place orders early. If a participant runs in a brand of shoes different from On, the team of the offending player will have three minutes added to their final time for each incident.


接力形式 Relay Guidelines


1. The organizers will provide each team with a baton, which will record results with a timing chip. Runners must carry the baton correctly in accordance to the race guidelines.


2. Each participant is allowed to run multiple loops during the race, but the team must ensure that there is only one member on the track at all times.


3. The team must complete the relay in the course set by the organizers. When the next participant enters the race course for the next shift, they must be wearing a race bib. The organizer must verify that the bib is correct according to the race order or the athlete will not be permitted to enter the racing area.


4. Participants are allowed to run multiple laps continuously. Runners on each team do not need to complete the same number of laps as long as the team completes the required number of laps set by the organizing committee within the specified time.


5. During the competition, only one athlete is allowed to participate. Other team members and support personnel are not allowed to accompany the runner.


6. Regardless of whether a runner is handing over the baton or continuing for an additional lap, each runner needs to pass over the timing mat with the baton so that the lap can be recorded.


7. The results of the race are based on the speed of which each team completes a full 25km. The organizing committee will reward the top three teams in the overall ranking.


接力要求 Relay Requirements


1. The organizing committee will give each team a baton. The team must pass this baton during each runner swap. A referee will be stationed to ensure the swap takes place according to the racing guidelines.


2. A referee will inspect each player during the baton swap. The baton swap must take place in the designated area and given to the athlete assigned to take over the next shift according to their bib number. Non-registered race participants cannot enter the relay area and the referee has the right to disqualify the team who brings in outside participants.


3. Relay participants must enter and exit from the correct relay area entrance and exit. They must wait in the specified relay area. Participants cannot start running until they have already received the baton.


奖励办法 Award Procedures

第一名 First Place

四双On昂跑鞋子 4 Pairs of On Shoes

第二名 Second Place

四件On昂跑速干T恤 4 On Performance T-shirts

第三名 Third Place


4 On Customized Water Bottles

每个选手 All Athletes


Finisher card

(For redeeming finisher gifts at INTERSPORT)


*The colors and models of the awards might differ from the pictures.


1. The organizing committee will reward the three fastest teams.


2. The winning teams will be publicized at the race site within 30 minutes after the race ends. If there are any objections to the results during the publicity period, please contact the organizing committee and provide valid evidence. Any team that has been found to have violated the rules will be disqualified and their results will be taken out of the race ranking

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