It begins with a boy Emperor...
A transliteration of the Chinese 九龍, gau lung, or “Nine Dragons”, Kowloon is named for the eight mountains which rear up behind the plateau—and one final dragon besides.
Nine Dragons 是九龍這兩個中文字的英文翻譯. 九龍這地名的命名來自於平原背後的八座山脈, 再加上最後的一條龍 – 皇帝.


Legend goes that Kowloon was named in the year 1278 by the boy Emperor Bing, of the Southern Song Dynasty. Noticing the eight hills of Kowloon (Kowloon Peak, Tung Shan, Tate's Cairn, Temple Hill, Unicorn Ridge, Lion Rock, Beacon Hill, Crow's Nest), the emperor was pleased to name them the “Eight Dragons”—but a quick-witted courtier pointed out that the emperor was a dragon himself, making it nine dragons.

相傳九龍這地名起源於1278年, 宋朝的末代皇帝宋帝昺發現九龍北部的八條山脈, 包括(鴉巢山, 筆架山, 獅子山, 雞胸山, 慈雲山, 大老山, 東山, 飛鵝山), 本意命名八龍, 但有人提議皇帝自己也是龍, 所以改名為九龍.

What was Emperor Bing doing counting mountains at the southern tip of his empire? Well, he had nowhere else to go. For the whole of the 13th century the Mongols had swept down from the steppes, moving south through China and crushing the ruling Song Dynasty. First Genghis and then his grandson Kublai Khan stormed south, pushing the Song back, and back, and back.

宋帝昺在南方的山脈做什麼? 因他沒地方可逃. 在整個13世紀, 蒙古人從大草原掃蕩南下, 控制了當時統治的宋朝. 從第一代成吉思汗至他的孫兒忽必烈一路向南征, 把宋軍擊退.  

By 1278, Emperor Bing’s older brother, 10-year-old Emperor Duanzong of Song, had been pushed out of Fujian province and fled south to Guangdong. After Duanzong died from an illness contracted while running from the Mongols, the throne passed to 7-year-old Emperor Bing. The child was crowned at Silvermine Bay, on Lantau Island.

到1278年, 宋帝昺的10歲哥哥宋瑞宗被迫退出福建, 向南逃往廣東省. 宋瑞宗在逃避蒙古人的追捕時病逝, 傳位給只有7歲的宋帝昺. 小小的宋帝昺便在大嶼山的銀礦灣繼位.

But Bing’s reign was not to last. The Mongols pressed onwards and just one year after the emperor’s coronation, the Song Dynasty made its final stand against the invaders. At the naval Battle of Yamen on March 19, 1279, a Mongol navy of some 50 warships smashed the Song flotilla of more than 1,000 ships to pieces. There was nowhere left to run. Lu Xiufu, the emperor’s most loyal general and statesman, picked up the 8-year-old king and leaped into the sea, in search of an honorable death. Kublai Khan had unified China under his fist, and the sun dawned on the Yuan Dynasty.

可是宋帝昺的統治年代很快便結束. 在他繼位後一年便遭蒙古人入侵, 宋朝作出最後一次反抗. 在 1279年3月19日, 一隊由50艘軍艦組成的蒙古海軍搗毀了宋朝派出由1,000艘船組成的艦隊. 皇帝最忠誠的丞相陸秀夫背著當時剛滿8歲的宋帝昺跳海殉國. 忽必烈統一了中國, 元朝正式開始.

You can visit the “Terrace of the Song Kings,” in the Sung Wong Toi Garden park in Kowloon City. It’s home to a rock carving which commemorates the two-year reign of the Song kings in Hong Kong.

你可以參觀位於宋王臺公園的宋王臺紀念碑, 這是用來紀念宋朝皇帝在香港流亡兩年的歷史. 

But the legacy of the last emperor of the Song doesn't lie in a rock, but in those eight dragons: The boy emperor who named a city.
最後一代宋朝皇帝留給香港的並不是在於石碑, 而是在於八條龍: 這個小皇帝所命名的城市.
Race Rules & Regulations 比賽規則與條款
  1. THE 9 DRAGONS ULTRA consists of two long distance events. The first event, the 50 Miler, (89.4km approximately) crosses Kowloon and the New Territories in Hong Kong from west to east. The route uses a variety of trail including the Maclehose and Wilson Trails. The race starts in Yuen Long at Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp, and finishes in Tai Po. The race has an accumulative vertical of 5,070m. 九龍超跑山賽由兩個不同距離的比賽組成. 第一場比賽50英里(約89.4公里), 路線由九龍至新界, 橫跨香港西至東. 賽道包括不同山徑, 部份麥理浩徑和衛奕信徑. 起點位於元朗保良局賽馬會大棠渡假營, 終點位於大埔. 高度攀升累計5,070米.

  2. The second event, The 50Km, (54.1km) runs through the New Territories and finishes in Kowloon. It runs from North to South. The route uses a variety of trail including some of the Wilson and Maclehose Trail. The race has an accumulative vertical of 3,730m. 第二場比賽50公里(54.1公里), 路線從北至南, 包括新界至九龍的山徑, 部份衛奕信徑和麥理浩徑. 高度攀升累計3,730米.

  3. THE 9 DRAGONS ULTRA will take place on the weekend of the 1st to the 3rd of February 2019. The 50 mile event will begin at 23:59 on Friday 1st of February and the cutoff is at 19:00pm on Saturday 2nd February. The 50 kilometer event will begin at 07:30am on Sunday 3rd February and the cutoff will be at 20:00pm on the same day. 九龍超跑山賽將於2019年2月1日至3日舉行. 50英里比賽於2月2日星期六零晨12時起步, 終點關門時間為同日晚上7時正. 50公比賽於2月3日早上7時30分起步, 終點關門時間為同日晚上8時正.

  4. The opening date of registration for the THE 9 DRAGONS ULTRA will be on 1st August, 2018. There is a limit in the number of racing participants. In total, on the trail at any one time, there will be 500 runners. These will be split over the three events: 50/50, 50 Miles, 50 Kilometres. The registration will close when either this quota is full or on the 1st January 2019. 九龍超跑山賽於2018年8月1日公開接受報名. 大會將嚴格控制參賽者人數, 每天比賽只限500名參賽者同時於賽道上作賽. 比賽人數將以三項比賽50/50, 50英里和50公里平均分配. 報名截止日期為2019年1月1日或額滿即止.

  1. Absolutely no littering anywhere on course or leaving aid stations. Littering is grounds for disqualification and will be strictly enforced. Hold your trash until you find an appropriate receptacle. If you find trash from others on course, please pick it up and throw it away. 大會絕不容許在賽道上或是檢查站任何亂拋垃圾的行為. 如有參賽者被發現隨處亂拋垃圾, 該參賽者將被取消參賽資格, 大會必嚴格執行有關規則.

  2. You must follow the trail as it is marked. STAY ON TRAIL! 參賽者必須沿規定賽道上作賽.

  3. No vehicle pacing. No bicycle pacing. No human pacing. No dog pacing. NO PACERS. 參賽者不能使用交通工具, 自行車, 狗或非參賽者作為步測支援.

  4. No aid is allowed from moving vehicles or from runners on the course. Crews are only allowed at aid stations. Any runner using a crew out side of the aid station will be  disqualified and this will be strictly enforced. 參賽者不能接受任何交通工具或其他參賽者的支援. 參賽者自行安排的支援隊伍只能於檢查站範圍為參賽者提供支援. 如有參賽者被發現接受大會檢查站範圍以外的支援, 該參賽者將被取消參賽資格, 大會將嚴格執行有關規則.

  5. You may not stash supplies along the course in advance. 參賽者不能預早在賽道沿途為自己安排支援物品.

  6. No vehicle shall follow a runner assisting with headlights. 參賽者不能接受任何交通工具所提供的照明支援.

  7. Any runner dropping out of the race must immediately surrender his/her wristband and notify aid station personnel as the next available opportunity AND call the Race Director or Race Manager! (numbers are on the back of your bib and in this pack). 如參賽者於比賽中途退賽, 該參賽者必須即時交出計時手帶及通知附近的檢查站, 並應致電予賽事總監或賽事經理報告有關退賽決定. (緊急聯絡電話印於號碼布背面)

  8. Any runner accepting a ride for any reason is deemed out of the race and may not reenter. 如參賽者接受任何交通工具的支援, 該參賽者將被取消參賽資格.

  9. Cutoff times are non-negotiable. 大會所設定的關門時間不會因參賽者的個別原因而更改.

  10. All runners will abide by the directions of the medical personnel. 參賽者應遵從大會醫護人員的治療建議.

  11. Where required to run on roads, please run facing oncoming traffic. 賽道部分路段為公路, 如公路為雙程路, 請參賽者向著迎面車輛的方向進行比賽以防止意外發生.

  12. DO NOT play music via bluetooth or phone speakers for the rest of the world to hear. If you want to listen to music, use headphones, at a level that you can hear people asking to pass you on trail. 如參賽者須要在比賽時聽音樂, 請使用耳機及將音量調較至可聽到外來聲音的音量. 不要使用藍牙或擴音器影響他人.

  13. Don’t short cut. Seriously, just don’t. Don’t even think about it. We will know, we will name and shame and we will not invite you back. 參賽者不得離開賽道使用捷徑, 如有違規者大會將會對外公布有關違規者名單.

  14. Violation of any rule will be grounds for disqualification. Race management reserve the right to bar any runner from competing in this and any future RaceBase events. 任何違反大會規則者, RaceBase 管理層有權不再接納該參賽者參予日後RaceBase 所舉辦的活動.

  15. The race management’s decision on any disqualification is final. 大會對所有違規參賽者有最終決定權是否取消其參賽資格.

  1. Hydration pack or water bottles with a capacity for at least a litre of liquid. 容量不少於1公升的水袋或水壺

  2. Race bib number visible during the entire duration of the race. 號碼布必須扣在當眼位置

  3. Emergency blanket. 緊急太空毯

  4. Whistle. 哨子

  5. Cell phone (switched on!). 手提電話

  6. Waterproof anorak with hood (preferably in Goretex or similar). 禦寒連帽外套(建議防水物料)

  7. Appropriate clothing pending the weather. 因應天氣情況準備合適衣著

  8. Hat or bandana. 防晒帽或頭巾

  9. Headlamp with spare batteries. 頭燈及備用電池

  10. Back up light. 備用燈

  11. Cup, or water bottle (there are no glasses at the refreshment points). 水杯或水壺(大會所有水站不會提供水杯)

  12. Appropriate footwear. 合適跑鞋



THE 9 DRAGONS ULTRA is fundamentally a race true to the spirit of semi-self sufficiency. However it is our position that no runner shall benefit over another because they have a seconding crew in place to expedite the runners passage over the race course. Therefore in the spirit of fairness and to ensure an equal playing field to all starting the race, the organisers will penalise or disqualify runners for any transgression of the following:

九龍超跑山賽是一個半自我補給的比賽. 但為公平起見, 大會並不容許參加者接受外來人士或自行安排支援隊伍的補給. 為締造一個公平, 公正的比賽環境, 如有參加者違反以上下規條, 大會將處罰或取消該參加者資格:


  1. Accepting any form of mobile support along the route, eg: pacing or muling. 於比賽期間使用任何形式的移動支援. 例如: 步速測量.

  2. Not carrying on your person at all times the full set of mandatory gear. 於整個比賽期間沒有携帶所有大會指定裝備.

  3. You are not allowed to accept any support outside of the designated Aid Station areas from crew. Race participants may take as much food and beverage as needed from each aid station provided by the organiser. 參加者只可於大會所設的檢查站接受大會提供的補給. 各檢查站將為參加者提供足夠的飲料和食物.

  4. Race participants will not be allowed to take any bottles, cans or cups from these areas and should plan on carrying and refilling their own hydration systems at the aid stations. 參加者不能取走任何屬於檢查站的水樽, 杯或器皿. 參加者只可於檢查站範圍進行加水及使用自己的水袋或水壺.

  5. Race participants may run, walk or crawl, but may not make use of any motorized or wheeled vehicles during the race. 參加者可以用徒步, 跑步或慢行方法來完成比賽, 但不能使用任何輔助交通工具. 例如: 單車, 電單車, 汽車等.

  6. You must make forward progress exclusively under your own power. Carrying, pulling or pushing by members of the public is prohibited. 參加者必須用自己的能力來完成比賽. 不能有推, 拉或碰撞其他參加者和公眾人士.



If you become immobile and need to consult with a medic you will need to take the following steps: 如參加者於比賽途中身體出現狀況需要醫護人員協助, 請遵循以下步驟:


  • Initially use your first aid kit, stay warm, dry and be visible. 保持身體乾爽及溫暖, 使用隨身急救包, 並於當眼位置等候救援.

  • Phone the emergency number located on your race bib, you will be asked your race number, name and location and help will be sent. 請用印於號碼布背面的大會緊急電話號碼, 向工作人員提供參賽號碼, 名稱及身處位置以便大會安排人員支援.


If there is no cell reception: 如電話沒有訊號:


  • Wait for an assisting participant who will find the nearest marshal or staff member to make contact with race HQ. 請留在原地, 向其他經過的參加者提出協助, 好讓他們通知最近的檢查站或於賽道上的工作人員以聯絡大會.

  • A medical and/or rescue team may be dispatched to your location depending on the severity of the injury. 大會將就有關參加者的身體狀況和傷勢, 作出適當評估以派出醫護或救援隊伍.

  • You will either be treated and allowed to continue, or be treated and evacuated off the route to the nearest medical asset by ambulance - or, in case of high priority helicopter evacuation may be used. 有關參加者在接受治療後, 如情況改善, 大會將批淮其繼續比賽. 相反, 大會會安排該參加者離開賽道, 或在最近的公路等候救護車救援. 在緊急情況下, 大會將聯絡飛行服務隊提供協助.


  1. DNF (Did Not Finish) : Should you need to drop out of the race, you will need to continue to the nearest CP along the marked route and inform the station captain. NOTE: If you are not sure who that is ask around until you find them - this is your responsibility. If you are unable to continue the medical team will communicate this to race HQ. If you leave the course and fail to notify race officials, you will be banned from participating in the future (unless assisted from the course by First Aid crews). It is your responsibility to get back to the start/finish area if you need to collect a drop bag. If you are injured and cannot, we will arrange for your bag to be delivered to you. DNF (Did Not Finish) 退賽: 如參加者須於比賽中途退賽, 請通知最近的檢查站站長. 註: 參加者有責任詢問檢查站的工作人員以找出檢查站長. 如醫護人員認為參加者身體狀況不適合比賽, 醫護人員會通知大會. 如參加者自行決定退出比賽而沒有通知大會, 該參加者有可能被拒絕參加日後大會所舉辦之賽事(除非是於比賽中接受治療並由醫護人員代為通知). 參加者有責任自行領取存放於起點/終點的行李(存放包). 如參加者因受傷未能自行領取, 大會將另作安排.

  2. Runners are to have their mandatory equipment with them at all times during the race. Random gear checks will be performed during the event. Penalties ranging from time penalties to disqualification will be applied based on the severity of the breach. 參加者必需於比賽期間携帶所有大會指定裝備. 大會會隨時作出抽樣檢查. 如有違反, 大會將視乎嚴重性, 以加時或取消參賽資格以作處罰.

  3. Racers must follow the marked course route the entire way and register at each aid station/timing checkpoint. 參加者必需跟從大會的標籤賽道比賽, 並向每個檢查站和指定計時站報到.

  4. Your race number must be visible at all times on the outside of your clothing and on the front of your body. Do not cover your race number with any article of clothing. 號碼佈必需扣於胸前當眼位置, 不得有其他衣物遮蓋.

  5. THE 9 DRAGONS ULTRA has several intermediate and race finish cut-off times that will be strictly enforced. You must obey directions of marshals if you miss any time cut-offs. 九龍超跑山賽將嚴格執行各個檢查站及終點的關門時間,請參加者務必聽從及配合工作人員指示.


  1. ANY littering on the course is strictly prohibited. Race participants are responsible for making sure that anything they discard of goes into a bin. Strictly adhere to the “Leave no trace and take no souvenirs” policy. Anyone reported to have been littering by other teams or volunteers along the course will be disqualified and banned from any future RaceBase events. 嚴禁亂拋垃圾. 參加者有責任把垃圾棄置於垃圾箱, 並遵守「離開不留痕跡和不拿取屬於大自然的東西」原則. 任何參加者被工作人員或其他參加者舉報有亂拋垃圾之行為, 該參加將被禁止參加日後由RaceBase舉辦之活動.

  2. Yield trail by respecting other trail users (i.e. recreational users and residents) when passing – be aware of blind spots and slow down when you need to. 請尊重其他使用山徑之人士(包括: 郊遊人士和居民). 留意路況, 小心盲點, 必要時請放慢

  3. Do not take shortcuts, including cutting down any switchbacks. Stay on trail. 不要走捷徑或非大會指定路線.

  4. No overtaking by going off trail. Wait until there is adequate and safe space to do so. 不要為超越其他參加者而離開大會指定賽道, 待有足夠空間和安全情況下才可進行.

  5. If you deliberately ignore customary rules of conduct on the trail, road or checkpoints, especially concerning safety, waste, erosion and hygiene – you will at best incur a time penalty, and at worst it will be grounds for disqualification and even a lifetime ban from future events. 如參加者故意忽視山徑, 道路或檢查站的行為守則, 特別是有關安全, 浪費, 損害和衛生的行為,該參加者有可能被處罰時間或取消資格. 嚴重的將禁止參加大會日後舉辦之活動.




  1. As a participant you are responsible for yourself and should know the rules and regulations of the race. You need to be able to clearly evaluate your mental and physical abilities. You need to be sufficiently trained and keep with you all the necessary equipment. Runners should be able to complete the race in a semi-autonomous manner in terms of: food and drink, clothing and safety. This requires an ability to adapt and face expected or unexpected problems (bad weather, physical ailments, injury, etc.) 參加者有責任了解比賽條款與規則和對自己負責. 參加者須衡量自己的精神狀態和體能是否適合參賽, 比賽前應有充足訓練和了解所有裝備的應用. 除大會提供的支援(飲料, 食物)外,參加者應準備適量和適合自己的飲料和食物,還有適當衣著及注意安全以完成比賽. 這包括面對和有能力應付預料之外的所有問題(惡劣天氣, 身體疾病, 受傷等).

  2. THE 9 DRAGONS ULTRA takes place on some very rugged, single-track hiking trails. Running on such trails comes with inherit risks that runners accept upon entering the event. Runners will be in remote areas where help is not always nearby for extended periods and need to be prepared accordingly in cases of emergency. 九龍超跑山賽是在一些非常崎嶇, 狹窄的山徑上進行. 參加者須自己衡量及承擔一切風險. 有些賽道偏僻, 如發生事故, 工作人員或須一段時間才能到達提供支援, 請參加者有所準備及體諒.

  3. In addition to trail conditions other potential dangers include but are not limited to: wet / slippery trail conditions (mud, roots and rocks), wet/slippery boardwalks and bridges, bees / bee stings, road crossings and steep drop-offs/cliffs. 賽道會有不同路況及潛在危險, 這包括但不限 於潮濕/滑溜路徑(泥地,樹根和岩石), 潮濕/滑溜的木板路和橋樑, 蜜蜂/蜜蜂叮咬,道路交叉路口和陡峭的下降/懸崖。




Preliminary results will be available immediately on the Racematix website. Final results (with any corrections) will be posted on this website within a few days of the race. Racematix網站將即時提供比賽初步結果. 最後結果(包括任何更正) 將在比賽結束後幾天內於本網站公佈。


Racers wishing to make a protest must notify the race command centre within 60 minutes of finishing the race. Protests will be considered by a three person committee consisting of the race director and two independent third parties. Decisions of the committee are final. 參加者如有任何爭議, 必須在比賽結束後60分鐘
內通知大會指揮中心. 大會將派出一位比賽總監和兩位獨立人士組成3人委員會以決定所提出爭議是否成立. 所有結果以委員會的決定為準則.




Volunteers are the backbone to any race. As participants please show your appreciation for their efforts to help you finish the race by thanking and giving a smile to our volunteers. 義工是所有比賽的重要一環, 參加者請給他們友善的微笑和感謝他們的付出.


We are always looking for volunteers.  Do you have friends or family that may want to volunteer? Please get in touch. 我們一直需要義工, 你有朋友或家人有興趣做義工嗎? 請與大會聯絡.



The organiser, RaceBase Asia Ltd., has public liability insurance cover. This does not include personal accident insurance for competitors. We recommend that you arrange your own personal accident insurance, ambulance cover and income protection insurance before participating in the Event to cover any unforeseen personal costs you may incur due to ambulance trips, medical expenses or time off work due to injuries sustained whilst participating in the Event. 主辦單位RaceBase Asia Ltd. 有購買公眾責任保險. 這不包括參加者的個人意外保險. 我們建議參加者在參加活動之前安排自己的個人意外保險,醫療保險或其他相關保險, 以支付因受傷而導致的醫療費用, 保障受傷期間所造成的收入影響.



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